Why To Choose AFRoM Services?

AFRoM Services
Local Outsourcing
Offshore Outsourcing
Freelance Platforms
Lead Time

Significantly short lead time from 1 hour to 3 months

Rather slow process
longer lead time

Short lead time (unknown)

Rather slow process leads to longer lead time

Quality of services

Committed To Quality

Typically offers high quality

May have control over quality

Quality is not top priority

Free Consultation

Overseeing the entire project

May offer free consultation

Unlikely to get the info that you expect

Individuals with limited no. of skills

Dependable Corporation

Definitely Yes!

Typically Yes!

Luckily you can find one! 

Usually No!

Location of the team

Local and international collaborations

Usually at a local office



End-to-End Process

From Ideation to commercialization

May achieve several milestones but not all

May need to detour to fill the gaps

Most likely not

Executives Involvement

Hands-on executives

Typically hierarchical structures

May likely have technical executives

No executives

Multidisciplinary Team

Multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and convergent

Most likely to be multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary

Chances of being multidisciplinary


After-Delivery Technical Support

We will have your back anytime, anywhere

Usually technical support is included

Possibility of receiving limited support

Most like not available!

Regulatory Standard Certification

We are experienced in ISO, IEC, FDA, Health Canada, and UL certifications

Potentially provides documentations, but may not meet regulatory requirements

May provide basic documentations

Unlikely to pass regulatory testing

AFRoM Services
Local Outsource
Lead Time

Significantly short lead time from 1 hour to 3 months

Rather slow process
longer lead time

Quality of services

Committed To Quality

Typically offers high quality

Free Consultation

Overseeing the entire project

May offer free consultation

Dependable Corporation

Definitely Yes!

Typically Yes!

Location of the team

Local and international collaborations

Usually at a local office

End-to-End Process

From Ideation to commercialization

May achieve several milestones but not all

Executives Involvement

Hands-on executives

Typically hierarchical structures

Multidisciplinary Team

disciplinary, inter
disciplinary, and convergent

Most likely to be multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary

After-Delivery Technical Support

We will have your back anytime, anywhere

Usually technical support is included

Regulatory Standard Certification

We are experienced in ISO, IEC, FDA, Health Canada, and UL certifications

Potentially provides documentations, but may not meet regulatory requirements

Offshore Outsourcing
Freelance Platforms
Lead Time

Short lead time (unknown)

Rather slow process leads to longer lead time

Quality of services

May have control over quality

Quality is not top priority

Free Consultation

Unlikely to get the info that you expect

Individuals with limited no. of skills

Dependable Corporation

Luckily you can find one! 

Usually No!

Location of the team



End-to-End Process

May need to detour to fill the gaps

Most likely not

Executives Involvement

May likely have technical executives

No executives

Multidisciplinary Team

Chances of being multidisciplinary


After-Delivery Technical Support

Possibility of receiving limited support

Most like not available!

Regulatory Standard Certification

May provide basic documentations

Unlikely to pass regulatory testing


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